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Seafarers' Job Application Form

Please enter your information as specified below. The additional information section will help us to understand your needs and qualifications better. 

Required Information

*Specify the rank you would like to apply for.

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Additional Information


Please upload any of the following certificates that you possess in PDF format.

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Please specify your ship preference, if any. To specify gas or chemical/oil tanker, you must acknowledge that you possess or will undergo the required training/certification per rank.

Gas Tanker

Chemical/Oil Tanker

Privacy and Personal Data

The information you provide in this form will be used by Seavie Caribbean to assess your qualifications and begin evaluating your ability to meet our clients' needs. We will not share the information with our clients before we contact you. In some cases, we keep a database of applicants for future opportunities. By completing and submitting this form, you are acknowledging that you understand and agree to the privacy code outlined in our crewing manual policy.

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